Thursday, December 15, 2011

Child Safety Dangers in the Home - The Bathroom and Living Room

!±8± Child Safety Dangers in the Home - The Bathroom and Living Room

Although any house cannot be 100% child safe there are some simple precautions parents can take to reduce the risk of accident or injury of your infant children within the home. Here we look at some of the key dangers present within the common bathroom and living room environments along with what steps you can take to minimise the risks.

Living Room

The living room is arguably one of the most problematic areas within the home to fully protect your child from. Given people's living rooms are ordinarily the hub of the house and constantly used and items moved, you need to constantly remain vigilant of the dangers. One of the best ways to spot dangers in your living room is to get down to your child height and survey the area.

One of the most common incidents which occur in living rooms are burns resulting from fire. To help prevent and alert you of this, install smoke detector alarms in key areas of your home whilst also installing circuit breakers and fitting any fires with protective guards. If you have electrical plug sockets which are not in use, it would be wise to purchase some plastic plug covers which prevent little fingers or foreign objects from being input into the sockets. Ensure you unplug any electrical fires during hot periods when they are not required for extended periods. Always choose furniture which is made from fire retardant foam and upholstery and ensure that matches and lighter mechanisms are well out of children's reach


Several commonly documented accidents occurring in the bathroom derive from scalds resulting from hot water, poisoning and falls in the bath or shower. To reduce these risks make a point of placing all medicines and other dangerous and sharp objects in a locked cabinet away from a child's reach. Plastic, enamel and cast-iron bath tubs are a significant fall risk and the purchase of a suction non-slip bath mat will serve to reduce the risk of your child slipping over in the bath or shower. For hygienic reasons it is also a good idea to secure the toilet seat. Take note of any low-level windows which a child may be able to access and ensure they are locked. When running a bath for your child always ensure that you add hot water to cold water and always check the temperature yourself before placing your child into the bath.

Finally, ensure that any keys or locks cannot be accessed by your child to prevent them from locking themselves in the room.

Taking just these few simple steps can help to secure your home from danger thereby protecting the safety of you and your children from injury.

Child Safety Dangers in the Home - The Bathroom and Living Room

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Immediate Anxiety Relief - A Natural Technique to Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Fast!

!±8± Immediate Anxiety Relief - A Natural Technique to Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Fast!

The anxiety is just too much to bear, so she skips the first day of class to avoid the possibility of having to introduce herself in class. Anxiety is your body's way of alerting you that some kind of action is needed in the face of a situation that is perceived to be threatening or dangerous.

Therefore, anxiety can be useful or adaptive whenever it prompts you to take appropriate action in response to an anxiety-provoking situation. Anxiety is probably the most basic of all emotions. Not only is it experienced by all humans, but anxiety responses have been found in all species of animals right down to the sea slug.

Exposure to the feared social situations almost always causes significant anxiety, even a panic attack despite the fact that the anxiety is seen as excessive and unreasonable. This belief may lead to avoidance of such situations or endurance under extreme distress, leading to marked interference in the person's functioning and routine. If your anxiety is a reaction to a single, isolated event - the shot the doctor is about to give you, for example - your anxiety level will decrease and your symptoms will disappear after the event.

If your anxiety is caused by friction between you and your mother-in-law, you're likely to experience anxiety for a period of time before and after you see her. If you are in business the cost of Anxiety is incalculable. This fear could cost you tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars over your career.

Yet the nature of the anxiety is still unclear. It is associated with a poor response to psychostimulant medication treatment, and alternative pharmacotherapy approaches have been suggested. Anxiety is often accompanied by physical changes and behaviors similar to those caused by fear. Anxiety is not a normal response to stress though stress, if it continues long enough, can lead to anxiety. There are many kinds of stresses in our lives, many of them unavoidable.

According to the cognitive perspective, the most effective way to deal with the anxiety is to transform the anxiety into fear. Then one will know exactly what is bothering them. Anxiety is a problem when our body reacts as if there is danger when there is no real danger. It's like having an overly senstive smoke alarm system in your body! Research indicates that generalized anxiety is fully treatable and can be successfully overcome over the course of about three to four months if the person is motivated and works toward recovery.

Because test anxiety hinges on fear of negative evaluation, debate exists as to whether test anxiety is itself a unique anxiety disorder or whether it is a specific type of social phobia. Test anxiety is not caused by the test but rather by the meaning that the individual attaches to the test.

If you mentally tell yourself that you are not going to do well or that you have not studied enough, then you will have an emotional reaction that is consistent with that message. Anxiety is a multisystem response to a perceived threat or danger. It reflects a combination of biochemical changes in the body, the patient's personal history and memory, and the social situation.

Anxiety is an emotion that sends our mind into the future. After all, nobody is anxious about the past, right? As an ex sufferer I know exactly what anxiety is and how it could interfere with living a normal life. I also know that there is a cure for anxiety that doesn't require addictive medication. Performance anxiety is caused by the ways you think and feel.

However, many seniors avoid seeking treatment for these disorders, because they feel that the anxiety is normal � "I've had it all my life, it's a part of me.". Performance Anxiety is most commonly experienced as a fear of public speaking. However, people whose career or other interests require them to take the "stage" for other purposes, i.e., actors, musicians, athletes, etc., will experience stage fright as an impairment of their own particular activity.

Anxiety is a generalized mood condition that occurs without an identifiable triggering stimulus. As such, it is distinguished from fear, which occurs in the presence of an observed threat.

Knowing the difference between heart attack and anxiety is crucial. Many people have mistaken anxiety as a heart attack. Put simply, anxiety is fear. It's normal to feel scared before a big event. If fear and anxiety is an ongoing problem in your life, schedule a regular time each week to talk with someone.

The physiological arousal we experience as anxiety is directly related to fear of harm. When we are faced with a threat to our physical well-being that can result in either serious physical harm or death, we respond psychologically and physically. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress.

It helps one deal with a tense situation in the office, study harder for an exam, keep focused on an important speech. This is because one way to beat anxiety is to let yourself suffer anxiety attacks while developing a passive attitude. This can work but it takes persistence and patients.

Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness, apprehension, fear, or worry. Some fears and worries are justified, such as worry about a loved one or in anticipation of taking a quiz, test, or other examination. The term social anxiety is also commonly used in reference to experiences such as embarrassment and shame.

However some psychologists draw distinctions among various types of social discomfort, with the criterion for anxiety being anticipation. For me, Anxiety is basically a list of article ideas and pitches to send out when I have time. You could really use it for any kind of list, though.

Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling of fear and apprehension. Normally anxiety can be useful, helping us to avoid dangerous situations, making us alert and giving us the motivation to deal with problems. At the other end of the continuum, too little anxiety is grounded in contentment. When we feel too little anxiety, we avoid change, value the status quo, and believe everything will continue to be O.K.

Anxiety is one of the most common yet underdiagnosed mental health problems of Americans; as many as 20% of people seeking primary care have symptoms of treatable anxiety disorders. Untreated anxiety Increases costly visits to urgent care.

Anxiety is a common ailment in our society. However, the drugs available to treat mild-to-moderate anxiety, particularly benzodiazepines, are problematic because they can cause injury, produce side-effects, and create dependence. During the debriefing everything but anxiety is permitted.

Laughter and tears came out, but as soon as individuals began to show anxiety, usually manifesting itself in hyperventilation, then they were made to stop and breathe. Anxiety is usually triggered by a situation that involves a decision or judgement; tests and exams are common precursors of anxiety in educational settings.

He also pointed out that anxiety is linked to a special state of preparedness: it looks as if the subject is defending himself against some horror with the help of anxiety. Anxiety is a old habit pattern that my body responds to. I am going to calmly and nicely change this old habit. Generalized or "free-floating" anxiety is distinguished from phobia because it is not triggered by a specific object or situation.

Notice there are multiple places where library anxiety is common: initiation, sometimes selection, exploration, and collection. The important thing to remember is that anxiety is very common among people seeking information. If not it's likely that your anxiety is inappropriate. Later we'll look at ways of combating anxiety but for now it's enough just to learn how to recognize it. Pooch1:

Anxiety is a debilitating experience that can leave you feeling alone and helpless. Childrens' anxiety is especially traumatic as they are not able to discern fears that are able to be overcome.

Again, do not take stimulants if anxiety is your problem! In fact, be sure to cut back or eliminate caffeine, decongestants and any other type of stimulant you may be exposed to. Another serious type of anxiety is chronic anxiety, which is often defined compared to panic attacks as less serious but more generalized.

There are many people that feel a vague sense of anxiety which never reaches the intensity level of a panic attack. When performers are on stage, their anxiety is channeled into focused energy. Practice taking sample tests with your study team, and you should be more confident during the actual test.

Anxiety is a very treatable disorder. Separation anxiety is a phase. Every child goes through it, every childcare book covers it. My anxiety is pretty through the roof. I have been peeing a lot lately - sometime 2x per hour (not every day - just sometimes).

Immediate Anxiety Relief - A Natural Technique to Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Fast!

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

How Long Do Fire Alarms Last?

!±8± How Long Do Fire Alarms Last?

Just like with any other electronic that you will own, fire alarms and smoke alarms do not last forever. When you first purchase your alarm, there should be information printed on the package or on the directions that mention how long the alarm is good for. This is especially important for the kinds of alarms that have the built in batteries as once the batteries are done, so is the alarm and you have to buy another.

If you moved in somewhere that already has some fire and smoke alarms, or you simply do not know where you last put the directions, you should still be able to get the information you need. Take the fire or smoke alarm off of the wall and look on the back. There should be a date printed somewhere on the back. This date indicates how long the alarm is good for. After that date, you will have to purchase a new alarm to replace it.

Most of the time, fire and smoke alarms will last a good five to seven years. It really does depend on the company that produced them though. However, while this is a general rule of thumb, it is not something that is set in stone so it is very important to make sure that you are investigating to find out just how much time the fire or smoke alarm really will last.

When you are staying on top of such things, you will be able to remain safe from the dangers of fire. Always check your fire or smoke alarm batteries and replace those and the alarm itself as needed. 

How Long Do Fire Alarms Last?

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